
Printing by public officials

Printing by public officials Q: I emailed the county executive officer asking for information about a brochure that our supervisor was handing out.  I wanted to know how many brochures were printed, what the cost was and who did the job. Basically, I wanted to get a copy of the bid/contract. He has not responded to my email.  Does my email fall under the CPRA? Should I have cc’d the Board of Supervisor’s to make

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Prohibiting a citizen from contacting a public agency

Prohibiting a citizen from contacting a public agency Q: The Director of the County Department of Planning and Land Use has decided that I and one other person are part of a “conspiracy” to make the department look bad. It is alleged that this other person and I take department information and “twist it.” Both us have been prohibited from contacting any DPLU employee directly, except for the designated PRA contact person. As a result

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Police blotters and the CPRA

Police blotters and the CPRA Q: I freelance for a community newspaper and I cover anything that goes on in one city. I have been trying to deepen my coverage and want to check the police blotter more regularly, only when I went recently I noticed that it was a couple days behind. I went back a second time a day later and it was pointless because they hadn’t updated yet. I asked why and

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Accessing the California Commission on Judicial Performance

Accessing the California Commission on Judicial Performance Q: I filed a complaint against a California Superior Court judge with the California Commission on Judicial performance. That agency stated that we filed a complaint that was well presented. Initially they asked for more background information and said they would review the complaint if we provided that information. After providing further proof that numerous violations of the judicial code of ethics had occurred the commission closed the

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Accessing personal information in police reports

Accessing personal information in police reports Q: I have been involved in an ongoing series of complaints against my health care provider. In the process one of the administrators decided I had made threats against her and filed a police complaint alleging I had threatened her. I went to get a copy of the report as evidence for my impending law suit and was told at the police station that I could not get a

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