
Requesting surveillance tapes

Requesting surveillance tapes Q: I have been trying to get the below questions from a sheriff station, but unfortunately they have given me the runaround.  I was hoping your agency could assist me with my inquiries. How do I request surveillance tape that was shot in the booking cell of the West Hollywood Sheriff Station? How long do the surveillance tapes for a booking cell stay on file before they are deleted? A: You can

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Quorums and the CPRA

Quorums and the CPRA Q: Our agency facilitates a multi-agency Policy Council on Children & Youth which is also our county’s Child Abuse Prevention Commission.  This group is subject to the Brown Act.  If our bylaws allowed it, could we legally allow members to submit a written proxy vote on specific agenda items when the member cannot be present?  We are envisioning this as a rare occurrence, and that the written vote be signed by

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Proprietary information in the public record

Proprietary information in the public record Q: The city council appointed a Taser task force. The City Attorney’s office regularly reminded the task force that it was subject to the Brown Act. I recorded the public meetings on video, and uploaded to YouTube part of a presentation by a consultant for Taser Intl., given at one of the meetings. Now YouTube has removed the video, as a result of a third-party claim of copyright infringement.

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City’s stonewalling newspapers

City’s stonewalling newspapers Q: City officials will not speak to this newspaper at all, and so we only communicate through documents gotten through public records requests.  A recent from us to the city asked for “all audits performed by Municipal Auditing Services in calendar years 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007”.  The city attorney sent a letter stating they will not give us the information, citing Section 6245(i) — basically, they are concerned about protecting

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Surveillance cameras and the CPRA

Surveillance cameras and the CPRA Q: A campus policeman in a State University Library claimed I was resisting arrest.  He and several other officers piled on top of me, injuring me and then had me thrown in jail.  This all happened directly underneath a surveillance camera. I have repeatedly asked for the surveillance tapes but have received only cursory replies from the University’s police officials. Speaking to the city police, I’ve been told to file

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