
A&A: CFAC v. Santa Clara County and Critical Infrastructure Information

Q: Has there been any appellate court ruling in CFAC v. Santa Clara County? I’m very curious about the Critical Infrastructure Information issue that the County raised in the trial court, having just had my California Public Records Act request to another agency denied on similar grounds. A: The Sixth District has just recently issued an order to show cause requesting full briefing and permitting the parties to request oral argument in the GIS basemap

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Applicability of the Public Records Act to Private Text Messages

Applicability of the Public Records Act to Private Text Messages Q: I read in the Examiner that Mayor Newsom has refused to turn over Hawaii-based communications related to his conversations re: the Busan oil spill.  He claims that the phone records and text messages are not public record because he used his personal iPhone and has not submitted a request for reimbursement from the City. I have checked the Sunshine Law, Brown Act and CA

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Enforcement of the Public Records Act

Enforcement of the Public Records Act Q: Who enforces the California Public Records Act? I have been seeking information from a regional services district, but they refuse to provide me with the information I am seeking which would provide evidence of their misrepresentation of facts and directly and repeatedly lying to me.  They say that the information can be withheld from me because they contain names and addresses, but I only seek to discover the

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Local School District Records

Local School District Records Q: Can you please direct me to the correct California Public Records Act form I need to use to obtain records from a School District? Do I also need to submit a US FOIA request as well or is a CPRA request sufficient? Are there applicable administrative remedies that need to be exhausted, ie, the specific Sunshine Ordinance laws, before I can file a CPRA request? A: Since you are seeking

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Accessing Court Records

Accessing Court Records Q: For months I was not allowed access to my family law case file. Couldn’t even get a copy of the docket sheet. Finally, I got some of it. There is significant wrong doing in my case on the part of many. I have found evidence of altering of some court documents. I have an open investigation at Commission on Judicial performance. I have requested in writing from courthouse records a certified

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