

The CPRA… Q: The County Office of Education is refusing to provide me with documentation of a meeting that they are claiming occurred. It appears they are being disingenuous. A: Under the California Public Records Act (“PRA”), the public has a right to inspect and obtain copies of documents collected or maintained by state or local agencies.  The PRA requires agencies to provide you with the documents requested, or notify you that your request has

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Accessing the black hole of the CIA

Accessing the black hole of the CIA Q: I am a reporter, and I have a question re: FOIA requests for CIA files. Specifically, I would like the employment records of a local mayor who says she was a CIA operative for 31 years.  But I’m worried that if I frame the request the wrong way, it will be denied, because I am asking for exempt personnel files or files containing a name, which are

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Countering a claim of non-existent records

Countering a claim of non-existent records Q: Due to the fact that we have not been able to receive a public information request from the city of San Diego, various departments keep saying they don’t have the information, yet I personally viewed it 10 years ago, I am wondering if you could tell me what the average costs are to proceed to court relevant to such non-response issues? A: As you know, under the California

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Giving conditions to public records requests

Giving conditions to public records requests Q: I am a paid-call firefighter (Volunteer) at a Fire Protection District in the Bay Area. I am writing about and incident that happened to me. I telephoned the district’s secretary and asked if I could see the last six months of minutes from the Board of Directors meetings.  She told me that they were locked up at the station and she would get back to me. I was

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Accessing consumer complaint records

Accessing consumer complaint records Q: I requested some records from AG California, after California reached a settlement with Bayer. The requested records pertained to the investigation of a medicine called Baycoland. AG California has denied my request on the ground that consumer complaints and confidential law enforcement records of the AG are exempt from disclosure to the public pursuant to Cal Govt. Code Section 6254(f), citing Dick Williams v. Superior Court (1993) 5 Cal. 4th

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