
What is a Draft? How does that affect Public Records Requests?

What is a Draft? How does that affect Public Records Requests? Q: An agenda report references a third party report. An excerpt from the agenda report: “The city engaged the services of Company to provide a cost benefit analysis of the proposed annexation. The preliminary results show that at project build out…a positive impact… of $1 million annually. This financial analysis will be refined throughout the process….” I requested to see the document, but the

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Public/Private Interest Tests, Publics Records, And the Department of Housing and Community Development

Public/Private Interest Tests, Publics Records, And the Department of Housing and Community Development Q: I am trying to obtain from the Department of Housing and Community Development a list of those cities and/or counties that applied for designation as an Enterprise Zone in Sept. 2006.  The Dept. first responded to my request stating that they would take more time. Today I have received a letter from them denying my request based on the reason that “the

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California Driver’s License Numbers and the CPRA

California Driver’s License Numbers and the CPRA Q: Must a public agency provide driver’s licenses of business owners it licenses? Can or must the public agency redact any of the information like the actual CDL number? A: As you may know, California’s Public Records Act provides that all documents created, owned, or maintained by a public agency are presumptively available for public inspection unless one of the PRA’s exemptions applies.  Govt. Code § 6253(a).  One

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Police Records and Investigation Files

Police Records and Investigation Files Q: I submitted a CPRA request to the Police Department. Both times they ignored the written request. The first time, I was told by a representative orally that the requested records (which are public documents including departmental policies) could not be turned over until the department’s investigation into an officer involved shooting was completed (which would take up to a year). The department wouldn’t even provide copies of its own

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Disclosure of Traffic Tickets, Personal Information

Disclosure of Traffic Tickets, Personal Information Q: I found a traffic ticket of a person I’m trying to locate in the civil case index in my county.  I went to traffic court to get the address on the ticket and they said I could not see the address.  I researched the CPRA, but I am still unsure if traffic ticket is exempt from disclosure, being that it is a civil case.  Can you please help

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