
Law Enforcement Records, Interrogation Reports, and Public Access

Law Enforcement Records, Interrogation Reports, and Public Access Q: My nephew (18) was arrested in a stabbing at his high school. He was not on campus at the time of the attack, and 4 adults, 2 parents, and 2 other students immediately notified the police department that he was at their home working on a project when the attack occurred on the campus.  One of the parents is involved in law enforcement. Nonetheless, he was

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A&A: Public Universities, Listservs, and Destruction of Records

Q: Our local, university-run public radio station, has been attempting to create a “confidentiality policy” to prevent entries in its online volunteer listserv from appearing in the newspaper. Because I believe the taxpayer-funded listserv content is a public document, I filed a PRA request for one day’s worth of postings. The university has replied that it keeps no copies of the listserv postings, and cannot provide them. They seem to have acknowledged that the listserv

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Removing Personal Information from Public Record

Removing Personal Information from Public Record Q: Is there anyway that someone could remove my public records from being widely available on the internet? I feel uncomfortable about this and, believe it or not, this has taken a toll on my life. I am clean but I also like to keep my personal life private like those other people who never live in the USA. I have not been residing in USA for almost 10 years

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Criminal Records and the CPRA

Criminal Records and the CPRA Q: In interviewing individual applicants to provide childcare for my 2 toddlers, it is of utmost importance that I verify whether or not they (and/or the location of the premises used for such services) has been involved with any law enforcement issues (ie: is there any criminal history? Has law enforcement ever been called out to the home/place of services? How many times? For what?; etc.).  Upon asking for a

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Employee Information and the CPRA

Employee Information and the CPRA Q: I am curious about the relation between the CPRA and the release of CA State employees’ exact department, classification, and salary information.  I am not a state worker although I work in a state agency and have two close family members who are state employees.  This week it was brought to our attention that a website ( hosted a list of every state employee, their dept. and title, and

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