
The California Department of Health Services, Ongoing Investigations, and Public Records

The California Department of Health Services, Ongoing Investigations, and Public Records Q: I’m a reporter tracking down the causes of an E coli outbreak. The California Department of Health Services isn’t releasing info because it considers its investigation ongoing. Are health investigations exempt? I’m not sure how release of information might jeopardize a scientific investigation. How should I phrase my request to get the documents as soon as possible? Also – as part of this

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Access to Coroner’s Files

Access to Coroner’s Files Q: I sent the following request to the LA County Coroner’s office, asking for information. Their refusal to cooperate is reproduced after my original letter. Am I entitled to any of the information I requested? A: It may be that you are entitled to certain records related to the issues you raised with the coroner’s office under California’s Public Records Act.  This Act, Govt. Code Section 6260, et seq., provides that

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Small Claims Court, Case Files, Public Access

Small Claims Court, Case Files, Public Access Q: Are the case files for small claims courts cases were judgments are awarded available for review by the public?  If so, can you please provide me with the authority?  Can you refer me to a website were I can do more research on this subject? A: Unless the records you seek are sealed (in which case you can file a motion to unseal), or unless they fall

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Foreign Officials, Detention, Privacy, and the Freedom of Information Act

Foreign Officials, Detention, Privacy, and the Freedom of Information Act Q: A former Philippine official, who is wanted in the Philippines for corruption charges, is detained at an immigration holding center in California — reportedly for violation of immigration law. (It was reported that the official’s visa was revoked by the State Department.) The Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the State Department have refused to talk about his case citing the Federal Privacy Act. But

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Are School Yearbooks Public Records?

Are School Yearbooks Public Records? Q: I would like to know if Student Yearbooks held by a school district are considered public records.  I recently contacted a District about it and was informed they would not allow me to review the yearbooks. A: The California Public Records Act (“PRA”) provides that public records are presumptively open to the public, unless exempt from disclosure under the PRA.  Government Code section 6254(k) exempts from disclosure “[r]ecords the

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