
Destruction of Council Office Files

Destruction of Council Office Files Q: In our city, an outgoing City Councilmember (defeated in the latest election cycle) purged his/her Council office files of virtually all documents (hard copy and computer files) prior to the new Councilmember taking office. Our city has a document destruction policy which it follows for other city departments (including agendized notice, documents listed, Council vote to authorize) but that was not followed here. The outgoing (now former) Councilmember told

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Names of Grand Jury Sub-Committee Members

Names of Grand Jury Sub-Committee Members Q: Are the names of grand jury sub-committee members secret? A: California Penal Code Section 924.2 provides that “[e]ach grand juror shall keep secret whatever he himself or any other grand juror has said, or in what manner he or any other grand juror has voted on a matter before them,” but I am not aware of a general rule or statute providing that the names of a grand

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Access to Incident Records

Access to Incident Records Q: Recently I had two cars towed from a city street – the total cost of retrieval was over $1000.00.  I feel that the reporting officer was coerced into action falsely by a complainant neighbor.  I have requested the Incident Record, but am wondering if there is a way to find out the Officer’s name and the Complainant’s name and address so I can summon them to a Tow Hearing which

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Requesting Audio Tapes, Time of Response

Requesting Audio Tapes, Time of Response Q: During a meeting of the Executive Committee of a Neighborhood Council, I requested copies of the audio and video tapes taken of the meeting because of objectionable comments made about me by one of the board members.  I was told during that meeting by the committee members that I could have copies and would be contacted shortly with information as to cost.  I was not contacted.  At the

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Time Frame to Respond to Record Requests

Time Frame to Respond to Record Requests Q: I submitted a public records request on July 5th, and I received a reply that 1) said they received my request 2) stated my original request in italics and 3) said “It is our intent to respond to your request to the extent required by law.” And nothing more.  That letter was post-marked on the 11th and I have not received any follow-up information. What should I

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