
Hospital Records

Hospital Records Q: In October 2007 I contracted HA-MRSA during which was to be routine back surgery. I exhibited signs, that if the nurses had followed up, I would have not been discharged and would have avoided me 2 surgeries an additional  hospital stay and continuation of home IV therapy. It is hard to find an attorney to handle this case as they released me too early to identify the infection. I have been advised

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SEC Records

SEC Records Q: Citizens have a Right To Know, at the SEC, where insurance firms invest. However, that EDGAR Database at SEC is absolutely impossible to use to get the info due to high degree of necessary economic/accounting expertise.  This seems like a de-facto denial of public Right To know. How can a customer know which insurers do or do not invest in health damaging industries, or those that offend a persons religion or political

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Accessing Termination of Employment Records

Accessing Termination of Employment Records Q: 1) My former employer violated my privacy by releasing reasons why I was terminated to the public which was different from the reason that he has given me in writing. 2) I recently asked for copies of my emails pursuant to public records act and the City denied me them. . A: Generally speaking, laws restricting access to records should not interfere with a person’s rights to review his

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What is a Reasonable Fee

What is a Reasonable Fee Q: The County of Riverside Environmental Health Dept. is charging $213 each for providing lists of generators, underground storage tanks, and other public records regarding the storage and use of hazardous materials.  The total charge for the six lists is $1,278.00.  The County Attorney will not waive the fees, stating they were established by the Board of Supvervisors.  What can be done to obtain the records at a reasonable fee?

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Unreasonable Fees for Access

Unreasonable Fees for Access Q: The county keeps a database of records that are computer printouts of companies who have valid permits, and these lists used by their staff daily.  They are not custom made for the public, and other counties post these lists on their website at no charge.  In addition, the County requires a written request and charges a search fee of $67.00 to determine if there are records available, the request is then processed, and then an

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