
Costly loss in Orange County free speech case

An open government advocate defended a school board member against censure over his critical comments only to find that the judges ruled that the district’s free speech rights trumped those of the dissident board member. -DB CalAware Today March 11, 2009 Sunshine Week (March 15-21) is a national celebration of open government, but here in California a court decision has favored the suppression of dissent and cost a long-time open government advocate $80,000. More than

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Military prosecuter says ‘60 Minutes’ must release full tape of interview

In the case of a marine accused of killing 24 Iraqis, the prosecutor argued that newsgathering protections are not recognized within the military justice system. CBS news claims that legal precedents allow them to withhold the tape of a 60 Minutes interview which they say contains nothing relevant to the prosecution. -DB March 12, 2009 SAN DIEGO – Marine Capt. Nicholas Gannon, who is pursuing charges against Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich, 28, of Meriden,

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Journalists ask Obama to end publicists’ strangle hold on news

An association of health care reporters wants the Obama administration to end policies in some federal agencies that require a publicist to approve and monitor interviews with government employees. -DB The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press March 10, 2009 By Kathleen Cullinan The Association of Health Care Journalists is looking for a little change it can believe in, pushing the Obama administration to dump policies in many federal agencies that require a flack’s

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To keep town government open, Los Gatos farms out Music in the Park

Concerned about decisions made without public notice, Los Gatos has opted to turn over their Music in the Park program to a nonprofit group Music & Arts. -DB Los Gatos Weekly-Times March 11, 2009 Editorial In the news media, we take the Brown Act very seriously. If council members were to discuss a topic not on the agenda, we’d be all over them. If the planning commission were to meet without proper notice to the

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Oversight needed for U.S. military labs working on germ warfare

Even though the greatest bioterrorism incident in U.S. history originated recently in a U.S. military lab, there is scant knowledge even in Congress of these labs – their numbers, what they’re working on and the quality of their safety measures. -DB Secrecy News (Federation of American Scientists) March 10, 21009 In an awkward and disturbing irony, the most significant bioterrorism incident in the U.S. to date — i.e., the 2001 anthrax attacks — apparently originated

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