
Milpitas City Council 'streamlines' sunshine guidelines

The Milpitas City Council tightened procedures that provide public access to city business, saying that some of the practices did not provide greater access to the public and that changes were needed to save staff time. -DB Milpitas Post May 13, 2009 By Ian Bauer Milpitas City Council unanimously voted April 21 to introduce an amended Open Government Ordinance, which they said is meant to give the public and press transparency to the workings of

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Souter’s retirement unlikely to bring live broadcasts of Supreme Court

When Justice David Souter leaves the bench this summer, his departure is not expected to bring any changes in the policy against broadcasting Supreme Court proceedings. Souter may have been the most outspoken opponent of the broadcasts but not the only justice in opposition. –DB First Amendment Center Analysis May 12, 2009 By Tony Mauro WASHINGTON, D.C. — Supreme Court Justice David Souter’s retirement this summer will remove an obstacle — literally and figuratively —

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Apple blocks application to limit religious blasphemy

An Electronic Frontier activist criticizes Apple for refusing to sell iPhone applications it finds objectionable, a practice that denies iPhone users of freedom of choice. -DB Electronic Frontier Foundation May 12, 2009 Commentary By Hugh D’Andrade Two more interesting applications have been blocked by Apple in its quixotic quest to police what users can think and do while using their iPhones. First, we have Me So Holy, an iPhone app that takes a snapshot of

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Ex-grand juror on trial for disclosing confidential information

A former Butte County grand juror will stand trial in August on charges of disclosing grand jury secrets. She is accused of giving the media information on her investigation of an excessive force complaint against two police officers. –DB Contra Costa Times May 9, 2009 By Terry Vau Dell OROVILLE, Calif. — Barring an unexpected resolution of the case, a former Butte County grand juror will stand trial in August on charges that she illegally

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Reporters group criticizes White House decision to withhold prison abuse photos

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press said the Obama administration’s decision to reverse its position on releasing photos of prisoner abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan sets a bad precedent, weakening efforts of the free press to hold government accountable. –DB Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Press Release May 13, 2009 The White House’s stunning reversal today of its decision last month to comply with a court order to release photos of

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