
Australia: Twitter gaining foothold among journalists

An Australian journalist and university lecturer sees Twitter breaking down traditional structures in the the media, particularly in reporting breaking stories and connecting with the public for information and fresh perspectives on the news. -DB MediaShift May 27, 2009 By Julie Posetti Twitter became big news once journalists realized its power as a tool for breaking stories during the Mumbai Massacre in 2008. In the aftermath of the micro-blogging platform hitting the headlines, there was

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Supreme Court nominee's First Amendment opinions reveal 'no clear standard'

Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor has ruled in favor of right of access in cases about pubic and press access to government records but in Freedom of Information Act cases has ruled in favor of withholding records. -DB Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Press Release May 27, 2009 The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press has released a report summarizing the First Amendment and freedom of information opinions of Supreme Court nominee

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Tehachapi schools: Grand Jury details possible Brown Act violations

After Tehachapi, California citizens questioned the demotion of a middle school principal, the Kern County Grand Jury found that the school board limited public participation by failing to follow open government procedures. -DB KERO 23 ABC May 27, 2009 TEHACHAPI, Calif. — In response to several citizen complaints regarding the demotion of Jacobsen Middle School Principal Eric Trigueiro, the Health, Education and Social Services Committee 2008-2009 Kern County Grand Jury investigated the Tehachapi Unified School

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To reach public, federal government extending use of social media sites

With success using sites such Flickr, Facebook YouTube and others to share information with the public, the General Services Administration is planning to extend to other sites such as iTunes and LinkedIn. -DB NextGov May 22, 2009 By Gautham Nagesh Agencies have launched social networking applications at such a fast pace that government officials said on Friday that they plan to add more applications, such as Apple’s popular media store iTunes and the career-networking site

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UC lobbying against whistle-blower protection for its employees

A San Francisco Chronicle editorial argues that the University of California must do more than give lip-service to the importance of whistle-blower protection laws. UC is opposing legislation that would provide that protection for its employees. -DB San Francisco Chronicle Editorial May 26, 2009 The University of California is lobbying against state legislation that would provide whistle-blowers within its ranks the same legal protections as other state employees. The compelling need for such legislation became

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