
Critics question Obama effectiveness in involving public in open government plans

Open government advocates are saying they are unclear how the government plans to proceed with their program to solicit public ideas in making the federal government more transparent -DB NextGov May 29, 2009 By Aliya Sternstein As the White House transitions into the second phase of its open government initiative, participants in the first phase said the project has yet to demonstrate a willingness to collaborate between federal officials and the public. “We don’t find

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News groups asking for prosecution evidence in terrorist case

Five news organizations have asked a federal judge to release government evidence against a suspected terrorist. They claim the evidence is crucial to public understanding of the government’s case. -DB May 28, 2009 By Greg Bluestein (AP) News organizations asked a federal judge last week to grant the media access to copies of audio and video court records key to the upcoming trial against a terrorism suspect. The motion seeks access to about 12

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NFL stadium: Industry citizens to file suit on open meeting violation

An Industry citizens group is planning to file suit charging the city council with violating state open meeting laws in adopting an environmental impact report for a proposed National Football league stadium. The group claims says the council failed to give notice on a public hearing on Feb. 26 on the report’s final draft. -DB Pasadena Star-News May 30, 2009 By Brian Day WALNUT – Community activists said Saturday they hope two lawsuits filed against

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Inventor sues Google for defamation and slander

Inventor of the vibrating toilet seat, Johnny I. Henry, is brining suit against Google and AOL for search results with sites that referred to him in racist terms. Legal experts don’t expect Henry’s suit to prevail since federal law exempts service providers from liability from content posted by third parties. -DB Information Week May 22, 2009 By Thomas Claburn Google this week was sued, along with AOL, by Johnny I. Henry, the inventor of a

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Obama orders two studies of secrecy classification

As part of his open government initiative, President Barack Obama ordered top government officials to find out if the government is withholding too much information from the public. Obama sent memos to the National Security Adviser as well as to the Attorney General and Homeland Security Secretary. -DB Washington Post May 28, 2009 By Michael J. Sniffen WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) — Expanding his drive to open government, President Barack Obama is ordering two studies of

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