
Can airing a copyrighted news clip for critiquing constitute “fair use”?

Can airing a copyrighted news clip for critiquing constitute “fair use”? Q: I am one of the producers of a Cable Access TV program and I want to know if we can show a news clip from a local broadcast station on our program in order to critique it.  Is this a copyright violation or our first amendment right to point out their unfair reporting?  Basically, will we get sued for doing this? And if so,

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Do ‘disturbing the peace’ laws trump the First Amendment?

Do ‘disturbing the peace’ laws trump the First Amendment? Q: Two of about a dozen protesters were arrested for 415 section 2, ‘disturbing the peace’, while peacefully protesting.The incident occurred between the hours of 6pm and 8pm.We arrived for our court date only to find no charges had been filed.A week after that we received a notice by the arresting deputy that he was rescheduling our court date, now set for a later date.Does CA

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Tape recording public gatherings and attendee rights

Tape recording public gatherings and attendee rights Q: I live in a resident owned mobile home park. I am also a board member. At the last board meeting, a resident taped the meeting. This bothered many of the residents. When a resident asked the board about this, the person taping the meeting interrupted then snapped at her saying that it was legal. The person taping sat directly in back of the girl who questioned her

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Online Sheriff’s Blotter

Online Sheriff’s Blotter Q: The County Sheriff Department maintains a website that contains a sheriff’s blotter of recent calls and related arrests by community.  When I first started using this website to track crime in my community, the information about arrests included the charges filed, felony status, jurisdiction issuing warrants, etc.  That information was removed about 18 months ago and replaced with this statement: “Due to security concerns, we have discontinued posting detailed inmate information on this website. Information required

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Cal Expo Data

Cal Expo Data Q: I want to publish the results of the CA State Fair and Exposition Commercial Wine Competition on my web. CA State Fair and Exposition is commonly known as Cal Expo. The results are approximately 2000 records containing the winery name, wine receiving an award, award(s), gallons produced, retail price, bottle size. All of this data was submitted by the wineries when entering the competition. Cal Expo has published this data already

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