donal brown

Briefs urge Court to restrict government editorial powers in regulating social media

Briefs filed in two cases before the Supreme Court that challenge Florida and Texas laws that regulate social media platforms argue that the Laws violate the First Amendment. Clay Calvert in AEIdeas, December 13, 2023, writes “The briefs vividly and comprehensively demonstrate the statutes’ numerous flaws and patent unconstitutionality by invoking multiple doctrines, principles, and concepts: chilling effect, compelled speech, content discrimination, editorial discretion, history and tradition, overinclusiveness, right not to speak, speaker discrimination, strict

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Musk platform X spreading hate

Elon Musk’s platform X is enabling antisemitic posts to reach the mainstream from their origins on the fringe site 4chan. Among the AI generated hate memes was a post showing Taylor Swift in a Nazi uniform sliding a Jewish man into an oven. (The Washington Post, December 14, 2923, by Will Oremus)

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Giuliani sinks deeper in Georgia election worker defamation case

Former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani finds himself in a legal cauldron as a federal judge wants to know why he hasn’t forfeited the lawsuit brought by two Georgian election workers after admitting he defamed the two. The judge is asking Giuliani to forfeit and pay more damages or give more details of his position in a hearing in mid-August. (CNN, August 5, 2023, by Katelyn Polantz) For related FAC coverage, click here.

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AI update: Protection scant against lies about individuals

A Dutch politician who served in the European Parliament found herself labeled as a terrorist recently by artificial intelligence with little recourse. In her case the AI had combined two unrelated pieces of information into an incorrect sentence. Other instances are surfacing, but it is difficult to bring lawsuits since law concerning AI is undeveloped. (The New York Times, August 7, 2023, by Tiffany Hsu) Authors are freaking out as they discover that parts of

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Idaho law limiting doctor referrals on abortion hits skids

A Idaho law marking it a crime for doctors to assist in the procurement of an abortion hit a roadblock as a district federal judge found that the law would chill speech. The law would require the revocation of a doctor’s medical license. (ABC News, August 1, 2023, by Gene Johnson and Ed Komenda of The Associated Press) The judge ruled that the Idaho attorney general’s interpretation of the law violated health care professionals’ First

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