donal brown

Federal judge puts cuffs on Trump policing panel

A federal district judge stopped the work of President Donald Trump’s law enforcement panel for breaking an open meeting law requiring public notice when holding closed meetings. The judge’s main objection to the panel centered on its composition. While the law on advisory committees stipulates balance in their make-up, Trump’s panel only included law enforcement officials and excluded voices from the black community suffering the most from poor policing practices. (Politico, October 1, 2020, by

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Mask rules no barrier to free expression

A federal district court judge ruled that A Minnesota law requiring masks does not violate the First Amendment. The Minnesota Voters Alliance challenged the requirement with the argument that the law would not allow entrance into indoor public arenas without masks in protesting the requirement. (Reason, October 3, 2020, by Eugene Volokh of the Volokh Conspiracy) Professor John E. Finn,The Conversation, July 22, 2020, argues that there are two reasons that mask requirements are not

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Truth hard to come by in reporting on president’s health

Journalists covering President Donald Trump’s hospitalization for treatment of Covid-19 face challenges as the president prevaricates and the doctors attempt to provide information acceptable to Trump’s team. With the public already voting, it is vital that journalists persist in ferreting out the truth of the president’s condition whatever that might be in the run up to the November election. (The New York Times, October 4, 2020, by Ben Smith) White House Chief of Staff Mark

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Free speech: Trump mounts assault on social media

As the the election nears, the Trump administration is enlisting Senate Republicans to pressure social media companies it sees as hostile to their cause. It wants Senate committees to hold hearings on Section 230 exempting platforms for liability for user posts. Republicans claim Section 230 allows social media to discriminate against conservative ideas. (Politico, October 1 2020, by Christiano Lima and John Hendel) President Trump is also engaged in an attempt to ban TikTok and

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Free speech no sure thing on nation’s college campuses

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education released its rankings of colleges for their support of free speech on campus. They found The University of Chicago ranked first and DePauw University the worst with Ivy League schools under performing. Liberal students were more likely to accept the use of violence to silence campus speakers, and nearly one-third of students in the survey would not allow President Donald Trump to speak on campus. (FIRE, September 29,

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