A&A: Many Colleges Denying My CPRA Request for Title IX Report

Q: I’ve run into trouble with a CPRA request I submitted. I requested Title IX investigations reports from every college in California. Several community colleges are denying my request using FERPA, which the US DoE said does not apply to investigation reports in a Dear Colleague letter. Other schools are charging absurd amounts of money ($800-$2500) for the documents. Others are citing attorney client privilege and other aspects of the CPRA act. Every University of

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A&A: Councilmembers May Have Met Privately to Agree on Vote Outcome

Q: The City Council recently placed a rent control measure on the November ballot, and one of the Councilmembers who suggested a change to it before it was voted on, told an online newspaper: “[The Councilmember] said deals had been made to line up enough votes for that 15-year timeline, but “I saw an opportunity to jump in” and call a vote on extending it.” This sounds to me like a possible case of the

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A&A: If A Lawyer Sends A Threatening Letter to A City Attorney Marked “Confidential” Is It?

Q: The entire re-casting of the agreement between the City and the County was initiated with a letter from a lawyer who wrote the City Attorney a letter. He attached a draft civil complaint of what they might file, a central set of arguments the consideration of which must have led to further discussions, and the nature of which the public has a compelling public interest to consider. The lawyer appears to have marked the letter

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A&A: Records Request Response Included No Responsive Records

Q: I submitted a Public Records request to my Unified School District and paid the copy fee, but when I picked up the packet it did not contain any of the items that listed. Instead it was a copy of my Personnel file, which I am already entitled to obtain even without the request? Can you help me obtain the items I requested and since they did not comply? A: If the District is claiming that the

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FAC Attorneys Awarded $100k for Public Records Win

A Santa Clara Superior Court judge has awarded nearly $100,000 in attorneys fees to lawyers representing the First Amendment Coalition (FAC) in its successful California Public Records Act lawsuit against the city of Milpitas. Recognizing that FAC’s suit promoted a “significant public interest…in understanding whether high-ranking city officials were acting improperly,” Judge Sunil R. Kulkarni ordered Milpitas to pay the organization’s  lawyers over $92,000 in attorneys fees and $1,260 in court costs. Former city manager

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