A&A: Want Info on 911 Call that Prompted Police to Swarm My House Where No Crime Occurred

Q: I was at lunch at home from work when police officers swarmed my house. They claimed a 911 call came in reporting domestic abuse at my address and a female was screaming. There was no issue at my house, but I would like to know who made this call. Was it a case of a wrong address, or was someone “pranking” me? Do I have any right to this information? A: I have been reading in

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A&A: Stripped of First Amendment Rights By City Council

Q: I went to a city council meeting and a woman was being proposed for city office. I condemned her appointment, saying Martin Luther King Jr. would not have approved. I also condemned the homosexuals in the room. Christianity is often condemned by others with no results, but this time, the Mayor interrupted me and then summoned the police to escort me out of the chambers. The city is now considering filing a restraining order

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A&A: First Amendment Rights Violated by Restricting Access on Public Sidewalk

Q: We were peacefully walking by a Scientology event which was held at a hotel in Florida. There were scores of people on the sidewalk. A police officer moonlighting for Scientology told us that they did not want us on the sidewalk (which is public) and that we would have to leave (we have a video of the conversation) He told us that Scientology had a permit for the sidewalk, and we were not allowed on

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A&A: Did City Violate Brown Act With This Switch of issue Decided During Closed Session?

Q: I’m wondering whether my city violated the Brown Act (or other law) when the City Council decided in closed session to issue a statement criticizing the city’s mayor and defending an earlier vote. The background is that the mayor had attempted to veto an amended contract for the city manager, which the city attorney says is not allowed under the city’s charter. The mayor has said he is considering going to court to establish that

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A&A: How Do I Determine What Records are Available Before Making CPRA Request?

Q: I just want to know the types of records available for cell phone service providers in the California Lifeline program. I want this information so that I can craft a CPRA request that is as narrow as possible. I emailed the administrator of the California Lifeline program at the CA Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and am awaiting a response. Should I make a CPRA request to get the information I need to create my

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