Monsanto critics reveal its campaign to discredit journalists and researchers

U.S. Right to Know Research Director Carey Gillam in The Guardian, August 9, 2019, describes how Monsanto, in the news recently for its herbicide Roundup, devised a plan to discredit the findings in her 2017 book on the suppression of science in marketing its herbicides. They recruited employees to write negative reviews of the book. And during the Roundup cancer trial last march they posted one of their employees to pose as a reporter and

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Free press: Federal judge orders Trump administration to release records on Khashoggi murder

Citing the “considerable public importance” of federal government records on the killing Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a U.S. district judge ordered the Departments of State and Defense to release 5,000 pages monthly related to the killing. Open government advocates who sued for the records said it is crucial to gain the records given the urgency of the issue. The government said releasing the records would tie up their staffs, keeping them from responding to

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Statement by FAC’s David Snyder on Newly Unsealed Carmody Search Warrant Materials

The following is a statement by First Amendment Coalition Executive Director David Snyder: The search warrant application unsealed today shows, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the San Francisco Police Department knew Bryan Carmody is a journalist before they sought a search warrant for his office — and that they provided ample evidence of that fact to the San Francisco judge that authorized the unlawful search of his office. California law could not be more clear

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FAC Again Prevails in Unsealing Search Warrants Executed on SF Journalist Bryan Carmody

Three San Francisco judges on Friday ordered the public release of sealed applications for three search warrants executed on freelance journalist Bryan Carmody — for his home, office and phone. The release of these materials should help answer a central question in the Carmody saga: how the San Francisco Police Department was able to obtain search warrants against a working journalist, when such warrants are clearly prohibited under both California and federal law. In announcing her

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Ginny LaRoe Named as FAC’s Programs and Outreach Director

The First Amendment Coalition is pleased to announce the appointment of Ginny LaRoe, a veteran reporter and editor with substantial experience in legal affairs news, as FAC’s Programs and Outreach Director. LaRoe spent more than a decade on staff at newspapers in five states, primarily focused on the criminal justice system and local government. She dealt directly with threats to access, transparency and press freedoms, documenting them in the pages of local newspapers and working

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