FAC, Committee to Protect Journalists ask San Francisco mayor to protect press freedoms

FAC and the Committee to Protect Journalists sent a letter to San Francisco Mayor London Breed today requesting a meeting about steps the city can take to ensure press freedom.  The letter asked Breed to address police officers’ use of five warrants to search the home, office and electronics of freelance journalist Bryan Carmody as part of an investigation into how he obtained a police report. Noting that the mayor in May said that the

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A&A: How Can I Overturn A Decision Made By City Council Without Notifying Residents?

Q: I am looking for some direction in guidance in trying to overturn a street rezoning project completed without authorization, research, or notification to residents with major impact on safety and infringing my rights as an individual. Can you help? A: It is not clear from the facts you have given how this particular street project was initiated or approved. Presumably, the Public Works Department was acting pursuant to a vote of the city council,

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A&A: How Do I Determine If The Documents I Need Are Accessible By Making A CPRA Request?

Q: I’m researching uses of force with the LA County Probation Department at juvenile halls and had questions about what kind of information is public vs. private.  A: Making a request for records under California’s Public Records Act would be a natural starting point in your search.  Under California’s Public Records Act, “‘[p]ublic records’ includes any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or

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FAC Prevails in Lawsuit Against Bakersfield Over Open Meetings, Records Violations

The First Amendment Coalition has prevailed in a lawsuit against the city of Bakersfield, with a judge ruling that the city council violated open-government laws when it held three closed-door sessions to discuss city finances and then refused to release public records related to those meetings.  The ruling, a complete victory for FAC and Californians Aware, which sued to enforce California’s open-meetings and open-records laws, requires the city to turn over records, record any future

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A&A: I Am The Victim of A Crime. Does the CPRA Allow Me Access Police Reports on the Incident?

Q: I reported a crime against my property. I am the victim. The report covered up the crime by identifying me as an Informant. What are my legal rights under Public Records Act to get copies of the reports if I am the victim? A: I am sorry to hear that you were the victim of a crime.  Unfortunately, police investigatory records are exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Act under Government Code § 6254(f),

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