A&A: Can a School Board Restrict Recording of a Meeting to a Designated Area?

Q: Can a school board allow the public to record the meeting only from a certain designated area in the back of the room? Or can a person record from their seat outside the designated area if they are not disrupting the meeting at any time? A: Cal. Gov. Code § 54953.5 provides: “Any person attending an open and public meeting of a legislative body of a local agency shall have the right to record

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A&A: School District Delays CPRA Response Beyond the Hearing Date For Which Documents Are Needed

Q: I filed a public record request with three school districts. The documents requested would provide additional information and insight to aid a special education student with whom the districts are currently engaged in due-process hearings. I received an initial reply extending their reply for 15 days. In an effort of good faith, I did not protest the extension. Now I have received a second response, again extending their deadline for another month, past the

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