A&A: How Can I Access Florida Police Body-Camera Videos?

Q: Can you please guide me on how to get police body-worn camera videos from a Florida law enforcement agency that have not been provided in response to a freedom of information act. Nor were they included in discovery for a criminal case. I believe there is damning evidence on the video of police misconduct, obstruction of justice, malicious prosecution et cetera. What are my options for obtaining video being withheld? Can I hire an

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A&A: Is holding a public meeting inside a gated community a violation of California’s Brown Act?

Q: A California city is holding city council meetings with the Property Owners Association (POA) in a POA building inside a gated community. The POA claims they will allow public access. However, the public would have to drive into the community and be stopped and questioned by a private POA security guard at the gates. Vehicle registration and a valid driver’s license are usually required. Is this a possible violation of the Brown Act?  A:

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Announcing a Teacher Guide on Court Access

Public access to the judicial system is a necessary element in a constitutional democracy. The idea behind “We the People” — the notion that the people are sovereign — assumes that the people govern their institutions. For the judicial system, that means the public and press must be able to attend proceedings and access records used to determine consequential moments in people’s lives. The Supreme Court has said that this right to access our courts

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