What Records Or Documents Are Public In A City Purchase Of Private Property?

Q: What records are public when a city purchases private property? Can the public receive the preliminary title report? Or the Escrow Settlement Statement? A: Under the California Public Records Act (“CPRA”), public records — which include “any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics,” Cal. Gov. Code § 6252(e) — are presumed to

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A&A: Are There National Security Exemptions Under CPRA?

Q: I am a policy advocate working on a bill that would strengthen the California Public Records Act as it relates to government contracts and tax incentive programs. Recently, we have heard that there are concerns around national security when it comes to this bill. Thus, my question is–are there any existing national security protections built into the CPRA? A: The California Public Records Act (CPRA) contains numerous exemptions to its disclosure provisions. The most

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Black Lives Matter and the Rise of Anti-Protest Backlash

Q&A with human rights lawyer James Tager on what alarms him most about the legislative response to recent protest movements Return to the Protest & Pushback main page → George Floyd’s murder at the hands of police, captured on cell phone video seen around the world, sparked mass protests for racial justice. A new generation took to the streets and halls of power to raise their voices, leading to real changes in policy and in

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Understanding the Role of the First Amendment in Civil Rights Movements

Q&A with Constitutional Law Scholar Margaret M. Russell Return to the Protest & Pushback main page → The murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer spurred what historians call the largest protest movement in U.S. history. Over the course of the next year, a reckoning over racial justice prompted concrete changes in policies and politics, and it changed the conversation surrounding racial justice forever. But Black Lives Matter, like major civil rights and

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