Are Myths Killing the Newspaper Business?

Are newspapers dead, dead, dead? If you can believe everything you read in them, apparently so. Hal Fuson, a veteran of 44-years in the news business, didn’t think those obituary writers had their stories straight. In fact, they were reporting myths about the dire state of the industry as though they were facts. When Fuson, who is a member of FAC’s board, recently retired from Copley Press, decided to set the record straight. “I had

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Poll: 80% of Americans oppose SCOTUS campaign finance ruling

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds that nearly 80% of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents are  united in their opposition to the recent Supreme Court ruling that opens the door for corporations, labor unions, and other organizations to spend money directly from their general funds to influence campaigns. Left and right united in opposition to controversial SCOTUS decision The Newsroom By Brett Michael Dykes, a contributor to the Yahoo! News blog Much has been made

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New tools needed to sort the flood of government data

The federal government is releasing mountains of electronic data — everything from flight schedules to toxic chemical inventories. But it’s all just noise unless the public has ways to wrestle the information into shape. The tools are coming, slowly but surely. – dr New York Times In a blog post on Wednesday, Clay Johnson, director of Sunlight Labs, discussed the “data flood” coming out of Washington and the need for more applications to deal with

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Haiti Rewired: Wired.com tackles Haiti’s reconstruction with online collaboration

Haiti Rewired launched by Wired.com following the January earthquake, is an innovative response to the problem of on-going disaster relief. Editor-in-Chief Evan Hansen, a member of FAC’s board, calls the project an online “collaboration of writers, editors, technologists, researchers, geographers, infrastructure specialists, aid groups and others” dedicated to rebooting Haiti’s future. Haiti Rewired’s Mission Statement Posted by Evan Hansen on January 22, 2010 at 7:30pm View Evan Hansen’s blog Quake-ravaged Haiti faces a long-term emergency,

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Nevada student newspaper in First Amendment dispute

A student journalist’s coverage of controversy over an honor choir program prompts an attempt by the teachers union to block publication of the campus newspaper. – dr Las Vegas Review-Journal January 28, 2010 By Kristi Jourdan What began as an investigative article in a Northern Nevada high school newspaper has turned into a First Amendment issue for one young reporter. Lauren Mac Lean, a 17-year-old senior at Churchill County High School in Fallon, wrote an

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