A&A: Can finalists for city jobs be kept secret?

Q: Is their any state law allowing the city to keep the names of an advisory committee recommending finalists for a governmental job secret?  Our city manager came up with a secret panel to help select finalists for police chief and then refused to reveal their names until their work was done. A: The analysis of whether an advisory committee is a “legislative body” subject to the Brown Act, California’s open meetings act, is not

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A&A: Can I access teacher absentee rates at public school?

Q: I am just wondering how I can find out the rate of teacher absenteeism at my school. This information seems to be difficult to find, and yet absenteeism has been a big issue for my daughter’s education. She has been taught by substitute after substitute. Please advise as to what the source of this information might be, so that I can bring it forward and have the proper officials try to work toward solving

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A&A: Fee for email copies same as paper copies?

Q: I filed a complaint with the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). The investigation is now complete, and I have requested a copy of the complete file.  The DFEH district administrator responded stating cost of 10 cents per page plus postage needs to be paid before I can receive file copy.  I requested to have it sent by email instead to avoid  fee, but DFEH insist charging cost per page even if sent

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A&A: School Board Meetings without Notice

Q: As a parent and voter, I am concerned that my school board is holding meetings in violation of the Brown Act. Our district is in contract negotiations with the teachers’ union. The following message appears on the school district website: “When meetings are called regarding negotiations, based on the provisions in California Government Code Section 3549.1, notice is not required to be given to the public.” The school board trustees have already held one

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FAC’s challenge to China’s Internet censorship weighed by US Trade Rep

Top US trade representative Ron Kirk says U.S. trade officials are in talks with Google and other Internet providers on FAC’s proposal to challenge China’s Internet censorship via the World Trade Organization (WTO). dh U.S. weighing China Internet censorship case (Related News: Q+A: Is there a WTO case against Chinese Internet censorship?) (Reuters) – The United States is studying whether it can legally challenge Chinese Internet restrictions that hurt Google and other U.S. companies operating

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