A&A: City Denies Critics Access To Information?

Q: I was very concerned about the Dallas Morning News article from May 19, 2010: “JUDGE ORDERS CITY CRITIC TO AVOID OFFICIALS.”  Did the ruling affect any person requesting records? Because elected officials are the stewards of our tax money, I feel their actions should be available to the public. This situation truly concerns me and I would appreciate any help you could give me. A: My understanding is that the court order in question

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FAC, media coalition win unsealing of search warrant affidavit in Gizmodo/iPhone matter

The media coalition organized by the First Amendment Coalition (FAC) has been successful in securing disclosure of the search warrant affidavit used to search an online journalist’s home for evidence concerning the Gizmodo/Apple/missing iPhone investigation. Joining FAC in the unsealing motion were the Associated Press, Wired.com, Bloomberg News, CNET, the LA Times and the California Newspaper Publishers Association. San Mateo Superior Court Judge Clifford Cretan, over the objection of the District Attorney’s Office, ordered the

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FAC files Brown Act suit alleging pattern & practice of “notice” violations by LA City Council

FAC–The First Amendment Coalition has filed suit against the Los Angeles City Council over the Council’s failure to tell the public, in advance, that it was about to consider and vote on layoffs of thousands of government workers. FAC’s suit, claiming a “pattern and practice” of violations of the Brown Act, requests declaratory and injunctive relief. At issue is a City Council special meeting on February 18 at which the Council voted to reaffirm a

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AP, Bloomberg, CNET, Wired.com, LA Times, CNPA join FAC motion in lost-iPhone case

FAC–The First Amendment Coalition and major news media have requested the California Court presiding over the Gizmodo/missing iPhone matter to unseal judicial records relating to the warrant issued for the search of an online journalist’s home and the seizure of his computer, hard drives and other digital files. The motion to unseal the warrant affidavit (which you can see here) was filed May 5 and requests a hearing immediately. The motion argues that the affidavit

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Dan Gillmor: NYTimes turns blind eye to IPad App bans?

Does the NYTimes care that Apple bans Apps due to content? Dan Gillmor, FAC board member and  director of the Knight Center for Digital Media Entrepreneurship at Arizona State University, questions the nature of the two media giants’ relationship, but as he writes in his  Mediactive blog,  “I’ve received, after 11 days since first asking, the official word that the paper is “not going to comment.”  Gillmor is at no loss for words when considering

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