A&A: Can Golf Group Nix Magazine Give Away in Parking Lot?

Q: I publish a golf lifestyle magazine. We had planned to distribute our magazine free at the parking lots during the US Open. The general parking is at Cal State Monterey Bay and is free. Can the USGA (United States Golf Association) legally prevent us from accessing the lots and passing out the magazines? If there’s a citation of a case, that would be very helpful. A: From what I understand, you would like to

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A&A: Does short notice of public hearing invalidate contract?

Q: DMV code requires a Public Hearing before entering into a Red-Light Camera Contract. I contend the new contract our city council has approved is invalid because the requirement for a public hearing was not met. The city manager proposed a new contract when the current contract expires June 30. The Public Hearing was noticed on May 18 in a local newspaper for a June 1 meeting, at which time the city council  was to

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A&A: Interviews with Inmates Can’t Be Recorded

Q: I am producing a documentary about a Pennsylvania radical cult group. As part of the documentary, I would like to film interviews with several cult members who are serving prison sentences for the murder. The PA department of corrections has denied my request, citing a five year old policy barring all recording inside PA state prisons. Any help or advice you could provide would be much appreciated. A: Because of security issues, authorities generally

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A&A: Can ID Be Required to Make Public Comment?

Q: At City Council and Planning Commission meetings they have a sign next to the public-comment podium that says “Please state your name.”I think it might even ask for address.  I believe it is in violation of the Brown Act to require people to say their names. It is important in this community that people not have to state their name as an unfortunate individual who has done work for the city council has a

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A&A: Can teacher lose job if student-survey questions school board policy?

My questions are as follows: 1. If a teacher assigns students the task of survey development and distribution along with data collection and analysis, what free-speech guidelines should the students follow? What free speech guidelines should the teacher follow since the students are conducting the survey as an assignment for their class? I ask you this question because last year’s A.P. Statistics students created and distributed to students in other classes a survey asking whether

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