US Senate Passes Bill to Protect International Free Speech

The United States Senate has unanimously approved bipartisan legislation to protect American journalists, authors and publishers from foreign libel lawsuits Voice of America July 19, 2010 By Cindy Saine The United States Senate has unanimously approved bipartisan legislation to protect American journalists, authors and publishers from foreign libel lawsuits that undermine the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees free speech and freedom of the press.  The free speech bill’s chief sponsor, Democratic Senate

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Scholars: Westboro message at Marine’s funeral offensive, but protected

Why seven groups of scholars filed briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court supporting the Phelpses, not Albert Snyder. Daily Record/Sunday News By Jeff Frantz July 19, 2010 The writers of all seven amicus briefs filed this week with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of the Westboro Baptist Church noted two things: The protest by the Rev. Fred Phelps and members of his family was terribly offensive and presented a worldview with which they disagreed

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George Carlin: Rethinking a free speech icon

As a new court ruling overturns the rules on TV cussing, a look back at the comic who helped start the debate Salon.com July 16, 2010 By Matt Zoller Seitz Thirty-two years after the Supreme Court ruled on a free speech case sparked by the George Carlin routine “Filthy Words,” profanity and the First Amendment are in the news again. A ruling handed down this week by the New York-based Second Court of Appeals all

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Judge: Law penalizing fake heroes unconstitutional

A judge in Denver has ruled that a federal law making it illegal to lie about being a war hero is unconstitutional because it violates free speech. First Amendment News July 16, 2010 By AP DENVER —The ruling, made public Friday, came in the case of Rick Glen Strandlof, a Colorado man who claimed he was an ex-Marine wounded in Iraq and had received the Purple Heart and Silver Star. The military had no record

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Media groups side with Westboro protestors in court case

Twenty-two media organizations have sided with a radical church against the father of a fallen Marine who is trying to sue it for picketing his son’s funeral. Stars and Stripes July 16, 2010 By Jeff Schogol ARLINGTON, Va. —The media organizations filed a friend-of-the-court brief on Wednesday with the Supreme Court in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church, which protests near servicemembers’ funerals because it believes that troops’ deaths and other national tragedies are divine revenge

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