Judge bars LA Times from publishing photos

A judge took the unusual and possibly unconstitutional step of barring a Los Angeles Times photographer from publishing images she allowed him to snap at a hearing for a man charged with murdering a Hollywood family. News August 5, 2010 By The Associated Press LOS ANGELES— Lawyers for the Times planned to ask the judge to reconsider the order, which a press group argued amounted to prior restraint that violates the First Amendment right to

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Chevron pushes ahead in key First Amendment case

Oil giant Chevron got 421 tapes of footage from the documentary Crude by filmmaker Joe Berlinger, but First Amendment issues continue. Fortune Magazine August 5, 2010 By Roger Parloff FORTUNE — Now that Chevron has begun sifting through 421 tapes of unreleased footage from a documentary film called Crude — which a federal appeals court ordered filmmaker Joe Berlinger to turn over to the oil giant three weeks ago — the sensitive First Amendment issues

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Police agencies admit to saving body scan images

Despite claims by the TSA that electronic body scan images “cannot be stored or recorded,” some federal police agencies are in fact saving tens of thousands of images, according to a report by CNET News. MSNBC August 4, 2010 By Wilson Rothman The body scanners, increasingly found in airports, courthouses and other places where security is high, use an assortment of technologies. These include millimeter wave scanners (shown below) — in which the subject is

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Facebook brings privacy settings to mobile web

Facebook, which has taken a public relations beating in the past over privacy issues, has enhanced the mobile version of its site to include access to privacy settings. ZDNet News/Internet August 4, 2010 By Sam Diaz This move follows an overhaul to the settings that the company rolled out in May, largely in response to criticisms about what was being shared in the past and how much control users had over managing the sharing. In

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Anti-Gay Church Prepares For US Supreme Court Case

Members of a Kansas church sued for protesting outside a Marine’s funeral are gearing up to present their case to the U.S. Supreme Court in October. News August 4, 2010 By The Associated Press TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) ― The high court is scheduled to hear arguments Oct. 6 in the case of Westboro Baptist Church, which claims its protests outside a 2006 funeral of a Marine killed in Iraq were free speech protected by the

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