A&A: Newspaper Facing Possible Retaliation Over Reporting On Local Scandal Involving City Hall

Q: We are a small news organization covering a scandal and cover-up regarding finances and fraudulent email involving the city. There exists a pattern and culture of City Hall utilizing punitive powers to bully and pressure residents and business owners in town. Due to the recordings that we are publishing in our local paper, certain members of City Hall and the City Council have been intimidating some residents and businesses. They are afraid to make

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A&A: Are Construction Permits Accessible Under the CPRA?

Q: We are doing an investigation about a non-profit organization in California. We tried to request construction permit information from the county where the organization’s building is located. The county denied our request for this information, claiming that this is not available to the public. Is it legal to deny this kind of information? Please help us to understand how to obtain such information for our investigation. A: It is not clear from your inquiry

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A&A: Request For Public Employee W2 Forms Fulfilled, But Heavily Redacted. Are The Redactions Legal?

Q: I submitted a CPRA request for W2’s for a group of public school employees. When I received the W2 forms, I expected the individual’s Social Security Number and address to be redacted, but the school also redacted the information for the federal income tax withheld, social security tax withheld, medicare tax withheld, “other” withholdings/contributions (Box 14 items which include employer pension/STRS contributions on behalf of the employee), and state income tax withheld. When I

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A&A: Can I Sue Facebook For Censoring Me?

Q: Facebook censored my comments then blocked me for 30 days. I want to take them to court A: In general, First Amendment claims can only be brought when the government attempts to suppress the speech of its citizens — i.e. when there is “state action” that suppresses free speech. As such, it is unlikely that you would have any claim against Facebook for infringement of your First Amendment right to free speech. The Supreme

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