Sotomayor: Free speech vs. security likely to come before Court

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor said yesterday that the nation’s high court likely would be asked again to weigh issues of national security versus free speech because of the recently leaked classified war documents posted on the WikiLeaks website. August 27, 2010 By The Associated Press DENVER — Sotomayor told high school and college students at the University of Denver that she couldn’t answer a student query about the security questions and free speech because

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FCC asks 2nd Circuit to review fleeting-expletives ruling

Federal regulators are appealing a recent court decision that struck down a 2004 government policy that says broadcasters can be fined for allowing even a single curse word on live television. August 27, 2010 By The Associated Press WASHINGTON —A three-judge panel of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York threw out the Federal Communications Commission policy last month, saying it was unconstitutionally vague and left broadcasters uncertain of what programming the

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NFL cheerleader wins $11 million libel suit

A gossip website has been hit with an $11 million judgment for libel and slander after posting false accusations about a northern Kentucky teacher who sidelines as a Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader. August 26, 2010 By The Associated Press  LOUISVILLE, Ky. —The judgment against Dirty World Entertainment Recordings, which runs the site Thedirt.com, came yesterday after the site declined to answer a lawsuit brought by Sarah Jones. The high school teacher filed suit after her picture

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A&A: Is the list of employees taking voluntary buyouts a public document?

Q: I am a reporter covering the public district hospital. I want to know if a list of 74 employees who accepted voluntary buyouts is a public document. I requested this list from the hospital’s PR person, and she said she would provide it only on condition that I promise not to publish the names. I probably won’t use more than a few names (for people I might quote), but if the document is public,

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A&A: Is there a law about distributing fliers near a courthouse?

Q: Is there any caselaw or information I can refer to regarding display of a sign, placard, or passing out fliers in the parking lot of a municipal courthouse? Would I have to keep a certain distance from the courthouse doors to stay within the law? A: As a starting point, you may want to check the city or county ordinance governing solicitation on public property to see if there are any regulations that restrict

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