A&A: How to I get city to admit to under-reporting employee compensation?

Q: The City withheld pay and benefit information that resulted in under reporting almost all of the City’s employees’ pay, including the Police Chief’s pay by $66,951.83 a year? I have posted the original request, the data provided by the City, and exchanges with the City Attorney’s Office. A: As you may know, the California Supreme Court has held that the names and salaries of individual public employees should generally be public. International Federation of

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A&A: District won’t release legal bills from defending workers’ comp cases

Q: My client has a worker’s compensation case with the school district and made a public records act request in order to determine how much the school district is spending in her case and in total for legal defense of workers’ compensation matters. It is our belief that the attorney is not settling cases for his own profit. The district refuses to turn over that information A: As I’m sure you know, under the Public

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A&A: Arrested for making public comments that “disturbed” council meeting

Q: I am a signatory of an initiative which qualified for the ballot, but which the city refused to forward to the county for inclusion on the ballot in violation of Elections Code. At the next city council meeting, during the public comment period, I was criticizing the council’s illegal refusal to forward the initiative and was arrested for “disturbing” the meeting. Low voice, no profanity. I need criminal defense. A: You might be able

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A&A: Council-elect make decisions, but claim documents are not public

Q: I cover an unincorporated community that voted in June to incorporate. Voters approved incorporation and also elected a five-member council.  A committee has been formed to raise private funds to put on a celebration on mark the historic occasion. Two elected members of the city council-elect (who will not be sworn in until the day of the celelbration) serve on this committee. My questions: is this committee considered private? Am I entitled to the

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A&A: Request for councilmembers salaries not granted

Q: I requested the salaries and health benefits of City Council members. It took one month to receive and I didn’t get what I’d asked for.  I also asked for information regarding the voiding of a parking citation that they would not release. A: The California Supreme Court has held that the names and salaries of individual public employees are generally required to be made public. See International Federation of Processional Engineers v. Superior Court,

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