Obama’s Courtroom Lawyer Overruled Fed on Appealing FOIA case to Supreme Court

Oct. 27 (Bloomberg) — The Obama Administration’s top courtroom lawyer directed the Federal Reserve to drop its plan to ask the Supreme Court to block the release of bank bailout records, according to a legal brief filed by a group of the biggest commercial banks. The Fed did not join the Clearing House Association LLC, a group of 20 banks, which appealed to the high court yesterday. The banks hope to reverse a lower court

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A&A: School personnel campaigning on public dime

Q: Can I request emails from the school district without using an attorney? I want to request emails between the superintendent and other employees, assistant superintendent and union reps, and board members and school employees? Reason: I have seen hard evidence that they are campaigning on school time, using equipment to run campaigning materials and requesting contributions for incumbents during school time. Please let me know. A: Members of the public can request public records

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A&A: Is crime victim entitled to see investigation records?

Q: My daughter was raped by her ex and he recorded it. She obtained the video and filed charges. Her ex is the son of a DA employee. They did not file charges and “lost the video.” They did not notify anyone and the case is closed. Since then they have refused to enforce a Domestic Violence Restraining Order and it has been violated several times. When we requested files/explanations we were told they were

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Press Freedom Index: U.S. remains in 20th place

Amplify’d from voices.washingtonpost.com Reporters Without Borders, the journalism watchdog group, released its Press Freedom Index for 2010, tracking media freedom across 178 countries. The report measures the violations of press freedom in the world, taking into account murders, imprisonment, physical attacks and threats as well as censorship, confiscation, searches and harassment. The United States remained in the same position as it occupied last year: No. 20 on the list, behind most of the Northern European

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LA Times says Netflix CEO drops $400,000 into CA school superintendent race.

Netflix Chief Executive Reed Hastings, a former member of the state board of education, has opened up his wallet to help Larry Aceves in the race for state superintendent of public instruction. Hastings contributed $400,000 to an independent committee to promote Aceves in the closing days of the campaign. The nonpartisan race features two Democrats — Aceves, a former school superintendent, and Assemblyman Tom Torlakson (D-Antioch). Torlakson’s campaign has been buoyed by millions of dollars

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