Columbia j-school honors Brugmann for “raising hell and printing the news”

Bruce Brugmann, founding editor of the San Francisco Bay Guardian, and First Amendment Coalition board member, has been named as a 2011 Alumni Award winner by Columbia J-School. Brugmann, who graduated from Columbia in 1958, will be honored at ceremonies in April alongside three other recipients of the 2011 Alumni Award:  HRH Rym Ali; NBC News correspondent Rehema Ellis; and Orlando Sentinel government/politics editor Robert Shaw. In announcing the winners, Columbia-J School described Brugmann’s 40-years

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Gillmor on Fox News: ‘Fair and balanced’ two lies in three words

Dan Gillmor weighs in on “Misinformation and the 2010 Election”, a survey from the University of Maryland that finds “the public knows most political ads are bogus, but people still believe things that are false.” Gillmor, in his Salon.com column writes: The report, from the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, won’t surprise anyone who’s been paying attention to national affairs and the media. We have an information crisis. Influence peddlers and

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A&A:What rules apply to searching DMV database?

Q: I’m divorcing a law enforcement officer, who has taken abuse of power to a whole new level and no one seems to care. What are the laws regarding license plate queries? My Ex, or his buddies, “ran” all of my friends and family through CLETS in order to gather information. When I contacted the DMV and filed a formal complaint, I was told it was a “family court issue.” Also, I recently requested documents

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A&A: My statement was inaccurately depicted in published minutes

Q: I recently read statement at the school board meeting. When the minutes were made available my statements were mischaracterized. What are my rights regarding my statements recorded as factual? Should I send a “cure and correct notice” asking for my statements to be recorded correctly? I see the recording of my statements as removing key points regarding problems I see in the management by the district and not the “school.” You raise an interesting

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A&A: Council took action on a for-discussion-only agenda item

Q: A recent city council meeting agend  discussion item stated that “No action was called for.” The “summary recommendation” was  that the city council “receive and file this report. ”  However, without any public notice, the City Council took action.  I know the Brown Act requires items on which Council acts to be on the agenda in advance, unless there is an emergency or need for immediate action wasn’t realized earlier. What should I do

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