A&A: Are draft reports exempt under CPRA?

Q: I have put in a public records request for a report done about the police dept. They have denied my request saying it a draft. The report has been around since August and read by the police chief, city managers office and other members of city staff. Do I have the right to access this draft report? A: The PRA exempts from disclosure “[p]reliminary drafts, notes, or interagency or intra-agency memoranda that are not

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A&A: Request for candidate’s college degree requires authorization?

A: I emailed a PRA request to a Cal State admissions office regarding a degree  granted to someone running for the local city council. I received the following reply: “We have no problem complying, you will need to request this in written form. Provide us with the following information and pay the required fee $10.00. You will also need to present an authorization letter with signature from the [former student whose records you request]. The

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A&A: Agency answered cure & correct letter with demonstrable falsehoods

Q: I sent a letter to a public agency requesting “cure and correction,” to a Brown Act violation.  The Agency responded with a signed document that contained demonstrably false statements of fact. What is the correct name and legal status of this response document? Is it a legal response that is subject to perjury or other criminal violations? A: As you may know, under the Public Records Act, public records — which include “any writing

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A&A:Third time no charm: University denies documents, offers no explanation

Q: The university where I work denied a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request that involved analysis of information that provided justification for a university policy.  After the denial I refined my letter to request specific documents. However, they haven’t responded at to my second request, or to a follow up after ten working days had elapsed. A: Just to clarify, FOIA, or the Freedom of Information Act, refers to the federal law pertaining to disclosure

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A&A: University fails to make good faith effort to respond to records request

Q: I was laid off by the University of California this fall.  I subsequently submitted two CPRA requests regarding funding sources for my position. I requested that I be told if this information was to be withheld, but I was told that I had a right to this information. However, it has been three to four months with no result. I caught the office lying to me last month. It promised production of documents but

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