Open Government goes public with clickable Infographic of 350 open gov projects

The Obama administration promised to make government transparency a priority.  Two years into his presidency, where’s the openness? Turns out there are 350 open gov projects underway at the federal level.  Who knew? Can  government become so transparent it’s invisible?  In order for the public to benefit from these efforts, there has to be some way to find out what kind of data and documents are being made available. Thanks to GovLoop and Good Magazine,

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Nude painting removed from Marin Civic Center show for “accosting” worker

The Marin Arts Council has removed a painting by San Rafael artist Silvia Cossich Goodman from the council’s annual “member show” at the Marin Civic Center after one of the Center’s employees complained that she felt “accosted” by the painting, which she had to walk by every day. Mona Miyasato, chief assistant county administrator, said the Center asked the Arts Council to take that painting down because “employees must not feel we’ve created a hostile

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Student Press Law Center adds voice to expelled student protester case

The Student Press Law Center has filed a brief in support of a student who in 2007 was summarily expelled from Valdosta State University, Georgia, for protesting the buidling of  a parking garage, a pet project of then school president Ronald Zaccari. In  2010 U.S. District Judge Charles Pannell of the Northern District of Georgia ruled not only that Zaccari had violated Barnes’ right to a due process hearing, but that the law so clearly

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Should nonprofits with government connections disclose contributions?

In its quest to create an unforgettable race venue, San Francisco is forming a nonprofit San Francisco America’s Cup Organizing Committee, aimed at raising $32 million and staffed in part with city officials. The race provides an opportunity for the city to put on a good show before an international audience. The committee’s fund-raising campaign provides an opportunity for contractors to improve relations with city officials by ponying up for the race. But according to

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‘Crowd-sourcing’ FOIA requests – political ploy or quest for openness?

A conservative political group has taken a cue from WikiLeaks and is soliciting supporters to post Freedom of Information Act documents online – as long as they hold the Obama administration up to critical scrutiny. Steven J. Law, president of Crossroads GPS, told the New York Times he hoped the “crowd-sourcing” strategy would reveal the administration’s poor record of compliance with FOIA requests, among other things. But unlike WikiLeaks, he said, Wikicountability would avoid publishing “classified,

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