A&A: Board retailiating against former colleague who called them on Brown Act violations

Q: I am a former 15 year elected official for a small airport special district. Prior to being a board member, I have been a hangar tenant at the same airport. In 2008 I decided to not run for another term and became a spectator. What I observed with the new Board was an immediate termination of the GM and hiring of a new GM with no public sector experience. Since his employment, I caught

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A&A: Should complaints against belligerent councilman be public?

Q: I am a reporter trying to access public records  for two investigations regarding incidents involving a City Councilman — one at a city-owned clubhouse and the other at a local transit agency. Both of my public records requsts have been rejected because officials say it is a personnel matter. In the transit agency’s rejection letter, which is the one I received most recently, it cites California Gov. Code 6254(c)and(k) as well as City of

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A&A: Can law enforcement seal a search warrant that gathered evidence on a civil case?

Q: 1) Can a law enforcement agency use a search warrant to gather evidence in an anticipated civil case? 2) Can that same agency seal a search warrant used solely to acquire information for an expected civil case? 3) Where can I find the law on this, so that I may reference it in conversations with this agency? Thank you very much. A: Although your first question is beyond the scope of our expertise (which

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A&A: School district claims too busy to fulfill document request

Q: I have made numerous attempts to view board meeting minutes, a contract with a specific vendor, payment documents to that vendor, and the names of the other bidders who were not selected for the position at the School District offices. Each time they sent me away saying that they were too busy to get the documents for me, and I would have to send them a written request, which I did. Even so, they

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A&A: How to access Health & Safety building layout plans

Q: I need copies of site plans and store layout plans for evidence in a Planning Commission Appeal. I am aware of Health & Safety Code Section 19851 requiring permission from an architect. However, how does the Records Act affect 19851. Is my assumption that the City needs to disclose emails on specific subjects correct? A: It sounds like you know that California’s Health and Safety Code requires city and county building departments to maintain

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