A&A: Sheriff’s office won’t release names of inmates held on immigration charges

Q: I’m working on a story about inmates in county jail released into ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement)  custody. Seeking records of these individuals has brought up two questions. The first: are records of jail inmates (aka booking info) public? The county sheriff’s office says no. The second: are local jails prohibited from release names of inmates on immigration holds? I’ve asked for info on inmates released into ICE custody. They refused first on the (incorrect)

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A&A: How are non-print media regulated in schools?

Q: Does California Ed Code 48907 apply to non-print media (ie: school news broadcasts via TV or internet)? If not, is there another code protecting non-print media and if so, where can I find documentation to support an effort to protect the same freedoms as EC 48907 for my TV Broadcasting students in a high school class? A: Education Code § 48907 provides that “[p]upils of the public schools, including charter schools, shall have the

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A&A: City Council allowing presentation not on the agenda

Q: At our last City Council meeting our mayor personally invited a federal government agent to speak during our public comment session, although this presentation was not on the agenda.  Our mayor allowed him to speak over the allowed three minute time period and  allowed City Council members to ask questions of this man, but the public was not allowed to speak.   Can he do this? Also, as of late our Mayor is not allowing 

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A&A: Does Ohio law allow videotaping of council meetings?

Q: I have a local AM talk radio show in Ohio. Recently, I decided to visit my local council meetings and digitally record them on my computer. This seemed to have made a certain councilman angry. My question is, that I consider the act of recording a public council meeting and then airing portions of them on my show to completely legal. Is this legal? And can I also post these recordings on the internet?

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A&A: Can I appeal a records request denial from State Medical Board?

Q: I made a request to the California Medical Board for licensing application information. The Medical Board denied my request and offered no avenues for appeal. By my reading of relevant case law, and admittedly I am not a lawyer, this information is clearly not exempt from the Public Records Act. Are there avenues for appeal for this kind of denial that don’t involve entering litigation? If litigation is required, is it common practice, or

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