A&A: Can I reqest public staff time cards?

Q: My community has a special water district. There is a manager and a five-person elected board. Would the manager’s time-card be public information? Also, the board has not approved the minutes for months. Is there a time limit to approve minutes from meetings? A: Under the California Public Records Act, public records, including “any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or

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Cal State University trustees back hiring secrecy

When it comes to picking finalists for top jobs on state university campuses, Cal State University trustees have decided it’s a private matter. On Wednesday trustees of the 23-campus system voted 15-1 to eliminate a long-standing requirement that finalists for campus president openly visit the school to meet with students and campus leaders. The visits allow the school community and the public to  assess the competing candidates. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Chancellor Charles

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Join us in urging the Governor to sign SB 914 to protect privacy and free speech rights

BY PETER SCHEER–Sitting on Governor Brown’s desk right now is SB 914, a First Amendment Coalition-sponsored bill that would restrict warrantless police searches of citizens’ cellphones. Won’t you please  join our Petition urging the Governor to sign this important safeguard of personal privacy and free speech rights. Why is SB 914 needed? Imagine you are observing a demonstration and are swept up in a mass arrest of protesters. You could be a journalist, a blogger,

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A&A: Request for police surveillance records met with 90-day delay

Q: Our watchdog organization submitted a PRA request on three months ago for copies of audio and visual surveillance recordings made during a political demonstration. Within 10 days we received a response saying that we would get all ”releasable” items within 90 days. I have twice called, and left messages for the officer who responded to this request, with no response from him. Simply, 90 days being much more than the time allowed by law,

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A&A: Am I allowed to make my own copies instead of paying the agency fees?

Q: A local government agency has allowed me to inspect public records per a PRA request, but refuses to allow me to make copies at my own expense. Instead they maintain the position that my rights end at inspection and I would need to pay them to make any copies. Are you aware of any case(s) or statute(s) which support this position? A: With respect to copies, the Public Records Act, at Govt. Code section

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