A&A: Sheriff’s office denies access to 2004 arrest documents saying too much time has elapsed

Q: I recently requested information pertaining to a 2004 arrest of a man by the Sheriff.  I was told by their Discovery Officer that my request would be denied because the records are so old and I’m no longer entitled to the information under the Public Records Act. She cited 6254 f(1) and (2) which I understand entitles me to certain information (bail, arrest time, location etc.) She also mentioned a case entitled Kuzar which

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A&A: How can I get the police dept. to release a shooting report?

Q: The local police department is refusing to release a report on a shooting. Many months have passed since the incident. They give no explanation for their actions. What would be the best way to proceed to get them to release the report? A: As you may know, under California’s Public Records Act, public records — which include “any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained

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A&A:Denied access to county’s seismic studies

Q: I have been seeking access to seismic studies performed as part of the county’s subway extension process but my request has been denied. I would like to make the request under the FOIA. How should I do this? Does the County have its own FOIA? A: Since it sounds like the agency you are seeking records from is a local agency, as opposed to a federal agency, you would probably want to make your

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A&A: Do trade publications have same speech protections as other journalists?

Q: My company owns a website and private news source for a trade Industry. We are having concerns about our First Amendment protections. The website and news company is a business operation of our parent company. I would like to inquire about whether our direct ownership of the site conflicts with any First Amendment or journalism laws. For example, are we not protected by the same rights because the site is not an official news

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A&A:Public comment vs. speaking on agenda item

Q: I sit on a local municipal advisory committee and some time ago we added a standing item to our agendas entitled “Committee Reports” so that council members who sit on these committees or work groups can report out. There are four such reports listed at the end of our agenda. At the beginning of the meeting under Public Comment, I (as the chair) had a speaker card which listed the Item and the subject

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