A&A: Can my city require six days notice for a permit to picket or is that prior restraint?

Q: The city has drafted a new ordinance that requires six days notice and a permit to picket or demonstrate on main drags, and two-to-four days on smaller ones. Is this a violation of free speech rights/ A: Public streets are generally considered public forums — in fact, they have been called “‘the archetype of a traditional public forum.’” Gaudiya Vaishnava Soc. v. San Francisco, 952 F.2d 1059, 1065 (9th Cir. 1991) (quoting Frisby v.

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Steve Jobs vs. The Beatles, and other thoughts on the passing of a superstar

BY PETER SCHEER–Steve Jobs died at age 56, a young man. But one of the things that stands out about him is the longevity of his superstardom. Jimmy Carter was president when Jobs first appeared on the scene as the bearded personification of high-tech cool. From the early Apple PCs to the launch of the Mac, his involvement in Pixar, his return to a humbled Apple and its reinvention as a dominant force in the

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A&A:Request for documents on Tax Lien Sale denied. Why?

Q: How do I request in writing all records and e-mail communication on a property that was removed from a Tax Lien Sale from the time the first code enforcement violations to the present time. I have been refused an informal request without a good explanation. I would like to see the law that would remove the property from the Tax Lien Auction List. This has also been refused. A: In making your request for

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A&A: Can’t access documents because the staff member in possession is on extended vacation

Q: I requested e-mail records from a  public agency months ago. I am still waiting for many of these records and have been informed that the person who has access to these records will be on vacation for at least another month. Does the government have the right to delay responding to my request for months due to vacations? If not, do you have any cases I can mention to the agency that cover this

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A&A: Are words chosen for tombstone protected speech or can a Public Cemetery District censor them?

Our local public cemetery district has adopted a policy (which I objected too) of requiring that monument makers first submit to the cemetery district manager the verbiage and artwork for any new benches, monuments, or headstones to gain approval before the cutting or sand blasting of the monument can begin. I ran into this rule headlong today when I tried to order a memorial bench and was told by the monument maker that the cemetery

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