A&A: Police deny request for 911 tape

Q: My CPRA request to review the 911 recording/transcript of a 2003 death was denied by the LAPD. While the cause of death was determined to be a knife wound the coroner declined to rule on whether the incident was a suicide or homicide. Prior to my formal request, the police refused to discuss the case citing its ”ongoing nature.” My formal request to review the 911 call for service was denied because it was

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A&A: Does the Brown Act apply when board members attend a Town Hall meeting?

Q: At a recent Town Hall meeting, water rates were discussed. A majority of directors of the water district were in attendance to answer any questions. They did not notice this meeting. Items were discussed that they will vote on. Is this a Brown Act violation? A: Under the Brown Act, a “meeting” includes any congregation of a majority of the members of a legislative body at the same time and place to hear, discuss

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Go Daddy removes name from SOPA support list

Domain-name host Go-Daddy has withdrawn its name from the judiciary’s list of SOPA supporters two days shy of the Move-Your-Domain-from-Go-Daddy protest scheduled for Dec. 29 inspired by pan avalanche of comments to a post on Reddit. Read all about Go Daddy’s reaction and much, much more web and political reaction to SOPA on Techdirt.  

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