A&A: City avoiding disclosure of personal email

Q: A council member has claimed in public meetings and in the press to have received email regarding a particular issue. Our PRA requesting those email have been rejected by the city because they do not have email accounts for council members. However on the city website the link to contact council members is the council member’s personal email account. If the city is listing the personal email as the contact, then shouldn’t email from

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A&A: Fees assessed for electronic data

Q: I’m trying to obtain records for the LA United School District’s spending for 2010 in digital format, but the LA USD Office of the General Counsel is asking for 25 cents per page to send the digital information to us. They’ve explained that this is based on the usual fee rate for pages that are photocopied, but as we aren’t asking for any physical copies this rate seems inappropriate. I’ve looked at California’s public

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A&A: I ask for transparency; they ask me to resign

Q: I have concerns that my school District has violated the Brown Act.  When the school board made our interim Superintendent a permanent Superintendent without any public input because it wasn’t properly agendized. I am also concerned that a committee I serve on has been deemed a closed door confidential meeting per the Brown Act. I am an unpaid, parent volunteer on the committee and one of several stakeholders (parents, community, retired teacher, district employees

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A&A: Sheriff refuses access to complaint

Q: Two years ago, I filed a citizens complaint with the Sheriff’s Department. This complaint was against the sheriff and his deputies. I have requested copies of all documents compiled in their internal investigation and they have informed me that documents concerning personnel are exempt. I just want copies of my complaint plus any correspondence that is related to my complaint. I lost my file in this matter and am trying to recoup. I have

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Online News Association adds voice to anti-SOPA chorus

The Online News Association announced Thursday that it was adding it’s name to the growing opposition to the Stop Online Piracy ACT (SOPA). Poynter’s Tracie Powell reports on what journalists need to know about the Act now being debated in the U.S. House. “What jouralists need to know about SOPA”/ via Poynter

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