AG Holder, in speech, describes al-Awlaki “lethal targeting” memo that is the subject of recent FAC suit

FAC—Attorney General Eric Holder last week began the process of explaining the administration’s controversial policy regarding the “lethal targeting” of terrorists abroad who are also US citizens. Holder’s remarks offered a distillation of the legal rationale developed in a classified Department of Justice memo that is the subject of a First Amendment Coalition (FAC) lawsuit. The memo concerns al Qaeda operative al-Awlaki, a New Mexico-born American citizen who was killed in a US drone strike

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A&A: Can Craigslist block political free speech?

Q: I have been block a number of times from posting on the political board on Craigslist. I also have been threatened harassed and slandered by one poster on this site and a Craigslist tech  told me if I didn’t like it to just stop posting. My name and personal info has been posted by this harasser on the political site and even sex sites. I can’t believe if Craigslist is licensed by the Federal

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A&A: Can I be kicked off advisory committee for blogging about politics?

A: I am a member of a Citizens Advisory Committee. It has quasi status as a ”affiliated” committee with the city, as it advises the city on federal grant funding within the citizen participation plan. I publish a blog which is very critical of political opponents. Last week, members of the committee tried to kick me off claiming my writing outside the committee was considered inflammatory. I believe this is prior restraint and a violation

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A&A: New rule places unreasonable time restraints on public comments

Q: The new rule one of the county supervisors has been threatening to make formal, requires constituent speakers to aggregate all remarks on as many as a dozen or more separate items into one three minute slot isolated from other speakers and staff who may have commentary on individual items. This requires the speaker to provide a brief identifying description of each item, as the three  minutes clock is running. This process also segregates speakers

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A&A: Restrictions on Agendas and Minutes

Q: I am attempting to report on city government and  have learned that the city only offers citizens the chance to view agendas during normal business hours. If one wishes to obtain copies, the city charges $.15 per black and white page. Past agendas and minutes can be obtained by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope. Agendas and minutes are also not available online. It appears very un-American to set limited time parameters and charge citizens

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