A&A: Same fees assessed for electronic data as photocopies

Q: I’m trying to obtain the school district’s 2010 spending records in digital form, but the USD’s General Counsel is asking for 25 cents per page to send the digital information to us. They’ve explained that this is based on the usual fee rate for pages that are photocopied, but as we aren’t asking for any physical copies this rate seems inappropriate. I’ve looked at California’s FOI laws and I don’t think the 25 cents

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A&A: Access to sheriff’s e-mail and phone records

Q: Our new sheriff is using his personal cell phone and personal e-mail for conducting county business. He rarely uses his county-issued phone or his official county e-mail address to respond to citizens,  instead public inquiries will be answered via his private e-mail. I believe there is some other activity going on as well, including leaking personnel file details about deputies and staff who disagree with him to a guy running a character assassination blog

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A&A: What rules must agencies follow when redacting public documents?

I’d like to inquire as to the public’s right of access to public records which contain some information an agency either must or may redact. Specifically:  May the public demand access to records and use their own equipment to reproduce or image (e.g. camera, scanner) the records?  May an agency charge a fee for access to records if no copy/reproduction is requested yet the agency must or chooses to redact some information from the responsive

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A&A: Globe trotting university official keeps tabs on dog sends bill to tax payers

Q: I’m looking into a dean at one of the state universities who appears to spend a lot of university money on luxurious travel. I requested phone bills from the dean’s university-paid phone because I’d heard the dean’s dog is boarded at a kennel and the dean often calls the kennel from  international locales on UC’s dime. I got the phone bills but UC redacted all the phone numbers citing California Government Code §6254(c); Cal.

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