Conservatives’ faith in local government is misplaced: The closer government is to the people, the more government is controlled by special interests.

BY PETER SCHEER — In America today, conservatism’s one clear fault line, cutting across cultural and socioeconomic schisms, aligns conservatives based on their views about the relationship between government and its citizens. On one side are born-again libertarians, like supporters of perpetual presidential candidate Ron Paul. Believing that governmental power and personal freedom are always and everywhere inversely related, born-again libertarians are hostile to government at all levels: national, regional and local. (And don’t get

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Wired.com Editor Hansen elected president of FAC board; media attorney Melamed is VP; Gingras, of Google, joins Board.

The First Amendment Coalition is pleased to announce that Wired.com Editor in Chief Evan Hansen has been elected President of FAC’s board of directors. He takes over from John Raess,  San Francisco Bureau Chief for the Associated Press, who had served as President of the Board since 2010. Carol Melamed, media attorney and former counsel to the Washington Post, has been elected Vice President of the FAC board of directors.  She and Hansen will serve

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A&A: Should school superintendent’s goals be made in closed session?

Q: Our City Council sets the City Manager’s goals in open session. The goals are public. The evaluation of the City Manager in meeting goals in done in closed session. In contrast, the School Board sets  goals for the Superintendent’s in closed session. Recently, the new superintendent made her goals available on the District web site. The Board President thanked her in a public column for choosing to be transparent since the goals are an

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A&A: CA Supreme Court denied my petition and I demand the right to know why

Q: A petition for review to the CA Supreme Court is assigned to a legal staff who drafts a ”conference memorandum” which summarizes the case facts, outlines the issues, and makes a recommendation to the court whether the case presents sufficiently important issues for review. Under the ”petition clause” of the constitution I feel that I should have the right to review such “conference memorandum” to insure integrity of the process when 99 out of

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A&A:Trying to gain access to police records on musician’s unresolved cause of death

Q: I have been trying to get information regarding the death of a musician-songwriter for a few years now. He died in 2003 from stab wounds and his case was declared inconclusive by the police, and has remained open since. The police has never been able to determine if it was a suicide or a murder. I know that the police have some files and reports that even the family were not allowed to see,

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