ACLU launches “Stop and Frisk” Android App

The ACLU’s NY Chapter has launched the “Stop & Frisk Watch” Android App that will automatically upload smartphone videos of police patdowns to the rights group’s servers. The app is in response to the New York Police Department having stopped, frisked and interrogated people at least 685,724 times last year alone. About 87 percent of those stopped were black or Latino, and 90 percent of those stopped were neither ticketed nor arrested. Read the entire

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Judge sides with “troublemakers,” rules OWS class action suit v. NYPD mass arrests may proceed

On Thursday, US District Judge Jed Rakoff ruled that the class action suit filed by the 700 individuals swept up in a mass arrest on Brooklyn Bridge in Octboer may proceed, denying New York Police Department officers assertion that they were entitled to qualified immunity from the arrests. The ruling opens with the following: “What a huge debt this nation owes to its ‘troublemakers.’ From Thomas Paine to Martin Luther King, Jr., they have forced

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A&A: Can a city assert a copyright claim to a public document?

Q: Can a city assert a copyright claim to a public document, in this case a short documentary produced by its cable access television department? I’m being told no, in California a government entity cannot assert a copyright claim to this video produced at taxpayer expense without the express authorization of the legislature (County of Santa Clara v. Superior Court (CFAC) (2009) 170 Cal. app.4th 1301. Is that true? Please note a group that requested

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A&A: Are Facebook comments protected speech?

Q: I was fired for making comments about my employer on Facebook. My page does not note where I work or who I work with. It is viewable only to friends and my Twitter page is accessible only to  those who “follow” me. My comments were vague regarding my wanting to be ethical and honest and that I was being pushed around because my budget was being cut. I had 16 people on my page

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A&A: Are State Bar records accessible under the public records act?

Q: Are state bar records–specifically the budget–public documents? A: The State Bar of California is not subject to the Public Records Act. Bus. & Prof. Code § 6100 (“The State Bar of California is a public corporation[, and n]o law of this state restricting, or prescribing a mode of procedure for the exercise of powers of state public bodies or state agencies, or classes thereof, … shall be applicable to the State Bar, unless the

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