A&A: CPRA Request being stonewalled by their attorney

Q: Our local fire district is a special independent district with the governing board elected by the populace. It is a 5 member board. There are no term limits and several board members have run unopposed for many years. This Board is supposed to provide oversight over the actions of the Fire Chief. Recently members of the community have become aware of what we suspect is grave financial mismanagement by the Board and Fire Chief.

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A&A: Accessing public records on mental health workers

Q: In many California Counties’ Mental/Behavioral Health Departments brag they employ individuals with ”lived experience” of mental illness. The claim is that these individuals bring an important perspective and enrich the workplace. Further, MH Departments claim this ”lived experience” is an added qualification to work in the mental health field. Some Counties, state ”we have individuals with ’lived experience,’” but refuse to disclose who those individuals are. Mental Health Advocates, such as myself, are very

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A&A: City Attorney says legal analysis is a CPRA exemption

Q: A group of citizens is opposing the City Council’s 3/2 vote to allow two digital billboards on city property. Citizens submitted a PRA request for any legal analysis of the proposal. The City Attorney replied the legal analysis is attorney client privileged communication and is therefore a CPRA exemption. However, City Attorney also stated the document has not been the subject of an open or closed session of City Council. Can City Attorney distribute

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A&A: 1st amendment right to porn denied by senior center

Q: My local city-run senior center censors books, magazines, films, internet and bulletin-board postings. Though it is a senior center, they pretend to have the right to ban pornography or whatever they deem ”inappropriate.” As a senior citizen, I say I have the right to full internet access, to put off-color books, magazines and films in the library, and to communicate anything legal on the bulletin boards. I hold that pornography is perfectly legal for

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A&A: CPRA request denied for city employee’s college grades

Q: The City has an employee reimbursement education program for college credits. Part of the city’s requirement for reimbursement is a minimum C grade. I made a public records request for the elected City Clerk and I’m told her grades are confidential by some Federal Statute. She has objected to my obtaining this information. Is she protected from disclosure? A: The Federal Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 USC section 1232g; 34 CFR Part

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