A&A: Agenda items failed to mention a parcel tax as part of ballot measure

Q: I would like an opinion on whether circumstances surrounding the County Board of Supervisors’ placement of Measure A1 on the Nov ballot in Alameda County violated the Brown Act. a. The measure was first discussed at a special retreat on May 8. The Agenda (see url below) includes no mention of the Oakland Zoo or any parcel tax measure b. The Minutes of that meeting (url below) include no mention of the Oakland Zoo

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A&A: Two-weeks notice before campus photographers can take pictures in bookstore

Q: Recently our vice president asked the student news media to send a written request two weeks in advance of their desire to take photographs inside the campus bookstore during open hours. Is that legal? Or does the bookstore on a public college property outside the classroom count as public property? Would the same apply to the Administration Building, where students line up for appointments? A: Whether the college’s vice-presidents can legitimately restrict the student photojournalists

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A&A: Can we compel our non-profit hospital to share financial information with the community?

Q: I have received information that my local non-profit hospital pays too-high salaries to its top administrators, has a serious morale problem among doctors and nurses, and is not transparent to the public which grants its non-profit status. My understanding is board members of the hospital do not receive salary information and a full accounting of the hospital’s operations and finances when they meet periodically. What laws govern non-profit hospitals re: transparency? What can those

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A&A: Each year police place greater limitations on my annual protest

Q: In October of 2012 I conducted a month long protest at the Capitol in Sacramento. I was arrested immediately because I did not have a permit, held for five hours and then never charged. They gave me a permit when I got out of jail and, though I had to follow several special conditions, I was allowed to stay on the grounds (only from 10am to 6pm)and there was never a single problem during

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A&A: Brown Act rules for scheduling a meeting

Q: Can a majority of members of a body (city council) discuss the logistics (when and where) of scheduling a meeting, including the topic but no content, outside of an official meeting? My thought is yes because no information is exchanged, only the logistics. A: As I believe you are aware, the Brown Act, at Govt. Code section 54952.2, defines “meetings” to include “any congregation of a majority of the members of a legislative body at the same

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