A&A: School Superintendent Goals: Public or Private?

Q: School Superintendent Goals: Public or Private? Under the Brown Act, does a school board have the obligation to disclose the goals they set for the district superintendent of schools? Similarly, do they have the obligation to disclose the evaluation criteria for the superintendent of schools? The evaluation criteria for teachers is in the public record, so why not the same for the superintendent? A: The Brown Act governs public access to meetings and provides

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A&A: Is gender of foster care staff public information?

Q: We are investigating sexual abuse in a foster care shelter. We requested the gender for two staff members because they have ambiguous names. The county asserted that Section 6254(c), the personnel records exceptions applies. Staffing decisions at the facility are made based on gender (male staff members are not supposed to oversee female resident’s baths), which makes their gender material to their employment. The county attorney has been unwilling in the past to address our responses

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A&A: Redaction of investigative report

Q:  An outside attorney is employed to investigate a city council member. The client is the city council. May the attorney redact information and not provide the client with the entire file? The outside attorney heavily redacted a report and will not permit members of the city council to review the entire file. The city attorney is party in investigation proceedings regarding harassment by council member. Is not the client entitled to the entire file

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A&A: Can TSA deny company public information under FOIA?

Q:  I’ve got something that just smells really fishy and I’m thinking there’s something more to it. My company forecasts when places are busy, then shares the results with the public. One vertical where we’ve had good adoption has been in airports, where we forecast TSA wait times at the top 100 US airports. In fact, the results have been good enough to be adopted by airlines, search engines and others as the industry standard. To

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US rights update: Add commercial-drone fly zones; subtract abortion clinic “censorship zones “

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] News headlines from around the nation affecting your rights: Coming Soon– drone-to-door delivery: According to POLITICO, President Obama will issue an executive order to establish privacy guidelines for commercial drones operating in U.S. airspace. The order, led by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, will not address government use of drones. So where are drones not flying now? Embedded below is Mapbox’s interactive open source map of US drone no-fly zones.  So far, it only shows three

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